

Air bound to Vegas

Air bound to Vegas


I think a punk show that has 2 of the all time great punk bands on it’s ticket is well worth a trip to Vegas.  T.S.O.L. not only helped create a generation of punk rock music, they are just as relevant today as they were in the early eighties.  The other great punk rock band playing this show is Guttermouth.  I know, I know, we’re going to have to debate the greatness of Guttermouth but I definitely think it’s well worth a trip to Vegas to see if Guttermouth can hold the stage with T.S.O.L.  The stage is set and we’re air bound to Vegas for a night of punk rock music.

We were there to see T.S.O.L. and Guttermouth but there were two bands that demanded our attention before they were to take stage.  “Never Ending Last Words” kicked the show off.  The powerful Nu Metal 6 piece band had the crowd moving  the entire set.  The two frontmen Chemist and Brian traded rap lyrics over the crushing metal guitar riffs and the pounding drums.  I never heard them before this show, I never even heard of them before this show.  It was high energy, it was crisp and never at anytime during their set was I ready for it to be finished.  N.E. Last words brought it.  It’s the ultimate release, the type of band you go see when you’re pissed off, everything sucks and you just need a release of energy.  After the show you’re a happy mother fucker and ready to get on with your day.

There was no messing around between sets.  The next band up was “Guilty By Association”.  They’re a fast, powerful punk rock band with fast melodic guitar riffs and demanding vocals.  The vocals aren’t to the point of screaming.  All of the lyrics are understood but the conviction they are sung with is also understood.  I don’t need any cry baby shit in my punk rock music.  “Guilty By Association” cut through all the bull shit and got straight to the point.  It was greatly appreciated and it was a great set.

Wow!  What a great way to set the stage for Guttermouth.  One of my all time favorite bands.  I’m really fucking psyched to be at this show right now.  I just saw two kick ass bands and now Guttermouth is coming on stage.  It doesn’t get much better than this…and then the show started.  I’ll start by saying the band sounded great.  They were tight, loud, crisp and jamming all the classic Guttermouth songs.  But it didn’t take long for Mark Guttermouth to do his best to ruin it.  He was angry, distracted and would rather be rolling around in ketchup and mustard then fucking tearing down the house with his music.

This performance got me thinking “what has happened?”  Is this just a bad night for Mark Guttermouth?  I’ve seen Guttermouth tear down venues with the energy they’ve brought on stage and now I’m seeing two local acts bring it to Guttermouth.  The way this show is going Guttermouth should’ve been the first band to play.  Both “Never Ending Last Words” and “Guilty By Association” fucking brought this night and blew Guttermouth off the stage.  My hats off to them, I’d definitely would pay to see both bands again and I’ve been jamming their music since the show.  But for fuck sakes, this is Guttermouth, one of the most epic punk bands to come out of the nineties and a band I thought could’ve ruled the world at one point.  What the fuck happened?

I know Mark Guttermouth still has the talent.  I recently did a battle of records with Guttermouth’s newest release “The Whole Enchilada” and NOFX’s newest release “First Ditch Effort”.  Both are great albums but after honest reflection Guttermouth clearly sounded the fresher of the two bands.  So much so I questioned if NOFX needed a line up change to bring in new creative thought to the band.  But now I’m sitting here watching Mark Guttermouth take a pile of mustard off the floor and wipe it onto his arm pits, squirting a bottle of ketchup down his pants, missing lyrics and when he did sing it was shit.  I’ll say I wasn’t surprised, I wasn’t shocked just somewhat disappointed and sad for Mark, I know he can be much better then that.  

Part of punk rock is the shock factor.  At this point I think Guttermouth’s shock factor would be if they got on stage and ruled the world.  At one point in the show Mark said Guttermouth was the last punk band left in the world.  I ask Mark to define punk.  My thought is if you have a chance to rule the world the most punk thing you can do is to rule the fucking world, to be the voice for a generation of punks that want to fly the middle finger and destroy the establishment.  To give these kids who’ve been fucked over by their parents, all of us who’ve struggled with drugs and alcohol, who’ve been fucked by the police, all of us who are suppressed because of our economic status and all of us who want to resist the fucked up authority a place to go and release all this fucked up shit we have pent up in us.  That’s what I need at show.

I will say this, I still love Guttermouth, though they did not belong on the same stage as T.S.O.L this night, this definitely won’t be the last time I travel to see them.  But I’m not going to ignore the huge elephant in the room and what I’m about to say goes for any of my punk rock brothers and sisters.  For some (not all) of us there comes a time when drugs and alcohol cross a line. Partying and having a good time slips away and the drugs and alcohol take control of our mind.  To be true resistance to the establishment we need our free thought, that’s what we’re fighting for.  We shouldn’t give control of our mind to anyone, any establishment and/or drugs and alcohol.  Many don’t cross this line and I love you all.  For those who have crossed that line find a friend you can reach out to and if you don’t have a friend you can reach out to give me a call…Matt (720) 772-6049 

Yes, T.S.O.L. did play and yes they kicked ass!  I’ll be doing a separate post with photos of T.S.O.L.  Stay tuned…



Against Himself

Against Himself