

Local Punks Rock

Local Punks Rock


On a warm, and somewhat drizzly, Tuesday evening in August we caught up with Filthy Hearts at the Oriental Theater in Denver. This three-piece punk rock band was opening up for The Ataris on this night. The band went on promptly at 8pm for their half hour set. The enthusiastic crowd, clapped and cheered after every song. The band was bringing it and the they appreciated it. The guys have great stage presence and you can feel their passion for the music, and admiration for each other. They are joking and having a good time. This is a fun band.  After the show, the guys were more than happy to talk about what is going on with the band.  Let’s start with introductions:


Greg Jaeger is on drums and vocals. He is the grizzled veteran of the band. He has been in a number of bands dating back to the 90’s. He can remember trying to set up tours before the internet, and he was wearing a Tilt shirt. Anyone around the bay area of San Francisco in the 1990’s can totally appreciate that reference.


Ryan Hatfield is on bass and vocals. The unofficial spokesman for the band, Ryan is super outgoing and friendly. He set up the interview and wrangled all the band members when it was time. It is his wife Jenae, from Noise Junkie Productions, who records whole shows and mans the swag counter for the band.


Steve Canella is on lead guitar and vocals. Steve is a little quiet at first. It takes a little time for him to warm up, but once he does, he has us all laughing.  He somehow even managed a reference to Fleetwood Mac AND The Alan Parsons Project. Snap! That cracked up me. Steve is hard on himself after the show, but the band isn’t having it. These guys support each other.

Since the band is currently in the studio recording their LP, Matt (Burning Bright Media founder and contributor) was wondering how things were going?

According to Greg, they are still in a recording mind frame which explains why their brains feel like mush. They seem totally sharp to me, but I am only meeting them for the first time. They really weren’t planning any shows while in the studio, but when the call came in to open for The Ataris, they could not pass it up. The call only came through 48 hours ago. Still, the show rocked!

Where are you guys recording?

Ryan jumps in, “Green Door Recordings” with Felipe Patino. The guy is a local legend in the punk rock scene, and this is where they recorded their first EP. They are already feeling better about this recording. There have been some changes in the band leading to a more cohesive, and frankly happier, vibe. These guys are friends and it shows.  Work on this record has been going on for a year and a half and they are looking at a 14 song LP. Not bad for 3 guys with day jobs. Ryan is full of compliments for his band mates. “Greg really brought it on the drums, and Steve is playing his best guitar to date.” “It’s the best I have ever heard him play,” gushes Ryan. He says he just did his best to play a steady bass and let that melody shine through. 

The band basically started with Ryan and Steve jamming on acoustic guitars in Ryan’s basement. Ryan had been in another band and was pretty unhappy with the way things were going. Jamming with Steve allowed him to enjoy music again. They certainly could not have imagined where they would be now. According to Steve, “We started playing in a basement, and now we are playing a place with a marquee”. This band definitely has an air of optimism.


Is there a theme for this LP?

Not really. The band struggles, like everyone, with feelings of loneliness. Steve and Ryan, specifically, struggle with depression. Both Ryan and Greg are married, but Steve is still single and maybe feels a little hopeless about it. Greg picked up on this and wrote a sappy love song for the record with Steve in mind. After a little lighthearted teasing, we talk about the process. This is not a band that comes up with ideas ahead of time. It is way more organic. They start playing, messing around with ideas, and songs form. Nothing is overtly thought out, as Ryan puts it.

So we were curious, who are their favorite local punk rock bands?

Greg – Black Dots and Frontside Five

Ryan – 10,000 Volt Ghosts (90s skate punk) Dryer Fire

Steve – All Out Helter

Matt then shared a story about a band we recently saw in Las Vegas. The singer (who shall not be named) got wasted and acted like an ass on stage. He would not sing into the mic. The show sucked. The singer says it is because he is so punk rock.

This led to trying to determine what punk rock means to each of these guys?

Steve recalls a story about the band Oasis. After getting loaded and thrown off a ferry and missing a show, Liam Gallagher said “that’s rock and roll”. His brother, Noel, disagreed. He said rock and roll is showing up to your show, playing your set and killing it. Punk rock, Steve says, is not being a shithead. It is being accepting and nice. He is not fond of bands who treat people like shit in the name of being “punk”.

For Ryan, punk rock is all about the community.  They put up bands (from out of town), play shows together. The people become lifelong friends. There is not a lot of money in the punk rock scene. Quite often you are giving it to the travelling band, so they can get to their next stop. But those relationships are what is all about.

Greg agrees and adds that punk rock is about being inclusive. Everyone should be able to enjoy the music and the scene. There are no rules. That is what makes punk punk after all.

Fuck the punk rock police bullshit.

So, do the guys have any shows coming up?

Only one to speak of. They are playing on September 28th (location still TBD). Playing with Hybrids, System Restore and Dryer Fire (of course).

Hopefully, once the album is complete, they can get out on the road for a tour. But first, they have to finish recording.

Local punks, if you are looking for a good time, check out Filthy Hearts. Buy these guys a drink and strike up a conversation. They’re good for it. <3

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