

Stand up for free speech

…I’ve never knelt during the national anthem and I never burnt the flag but I’ll be damned if I want to live in a country where it’s not allowed to protest.  Kneeling during the national anthem is a peaceful way to protest, a peaceful way to bring voice to someone’s concern.  Protest should be encouraged in this country.  We should always have, allow and encouraged a second voice, a contradictory voice to all social concerns.  We should always look for at least two vantage points to every issue.  We should always question authority and we should always hear our opposition.  The day all voices speak the same is the day truth has left humanity.

I do believe that in the United States we have a platform to manifest, encourage and grow humanity for all the world.  We have the right to a voice.  We have the right to speak loudly against powerful people.  We have the right to free thought and we have the right to free will.  I believe that not only do we have the right but we have an obligation to speak loudly for everyone in the world that does not have this right.  We have an obligation to speak loudly for everyone who may be imprisoned or murdered for expressing true thought.  We have an obligation to climb the walls of these castles and remind everyone that we ALL are created equal.  That we all have an obligation to discover the truth, the truth of each of our existence.

I do not believe The United States should be controlled by one political party.  I believe the opposite, I believe The United States should and does encourage diversity in politics, in religion, in race, in sex, in thought and in love.  It’s our obligation to cease all self cherishing thoughts and actions.  It’s our privileged obligation to manifest and create space for love for all and for everything, to manifest free thought, free will and free love for all.  With our actions we should think how does this affect humanity?

This is the time that all fear based politics, all fear based religions, all fear based thoughts and all fear based actions disintegrate into thin air like a thin mist leaving the planet’s atmosphere.  There is no more need for anyone to feel the need to control the will and thought of anyone else.  Therefor there is absolutely no more need for fear.  The time has come that we all can clear all negative thoughts from our minds and our hearts.  This is the time that ALL has a voice.  It makes no difference what your economic status is.  It makes no difference what your political status is, where you were born, what sex you are, who you love, the color of your skin or any other diverse measurement that makes each of us individuals.  This is the time that everyone is heard, that everyone has the freedom and voice for free speech.

For all who has privilege, you have the obligation to stick up for all who don’t have privilege.  You have the obligation to speak loudly for those who are being oppressed, for those who have had there voice taken from by powers bigger then themselves who fear their voice.  This is the time for truth for everyone and everything.  For all who has had the truth taken from them this is the time for everyone else to demand that the truth is given back.  When we have no fear we can always live by the truth.

When someone feels the need to restrict speech that is the time we need to stand loudly and find out why they have the urge to block someone’s voice and free thought.  What is the reason they do not want us talking?  Are they hiding something?  Do they fear others having the power of knowledge?  As human consciousness grows the knowledge of truth will be unstoppable and it will be the people who do not have the capacity to stand in truth that are left behind.  Perhaps it’s the people who feel the strongest need to control other peoples thoughts and voice are the people who are least connected to human consciousness.

Written By: Matthew Heersink

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