

What? No cheese??

What? No cheese??

So…not even cheese?

 If you are vegan, you have heard that line before. People can, somewhat, tolerate a vegetarian. Vegans, on the other hand, throw them into a tailspin. “How can you NOT eat cheese?” “I could totally be vegan, except for the cheese” “I LOVE cheese!”

Then comes the dreaded “what made you decide to go vegan and give up cheese?”

veal calf.jpg

“Do you really want to know?” I always ask. Because, do they really want to know? They truth is pretty ugly. There has been a long misunderstanding that the cows are just doing their job. If we didn’t milk them, they would explode. Maybe they like being milked? Hmm…

Did you know that cows don’t produce milk just for the fuck of it? They produce milk to feed their young. Sounds familiar, right? Staying along those lines, cows have to get pregnant and give birth to produce milk.

No big deal, right. The cows have to get pregnant. They probably enjoy that, right? Well, they don’t actually procreate the way you are thinking. That would be a big hassle for dairy farmers, so they just artificially impregnate the cows. They stick a long tube, full of semen, into the cow’s vagina. Very romantic.

So? People do that if they are trying to get pregnant.


Well, cows don’t have the choice. They are kept in a perpetual state of pregnancy, birth, pregnancy, birth, etc. This can be pretty tough on momma. She will keep doing it until said farmer determines she has gotten too old. Does momma get to retire to the pasture? No. She is sent to the slaughterhouse. Just so humans can drink the fluid her body produces to feed her young. Humans are the only animals who drink the milk of another animal after being weaned from mother’s milk. It really is not meant for human consumption.

Now, for the really good (by good, I mean really bad) part. The baby is born. If baby is a girl she gets to grow up in slavery, get impregnated and milked, impregnated and milked until she is no longer useful.If baby happens to be a boy ☹, the one instance in this world when it is bad to be born a boy, that precious baby is ripped from momma, crated up, and sent to the veal farm. Lucky baby gets about three months of anemia, then they cut his throat. Gotta have that veal nice and young.

They are not allowed to walk around because it might toughen up their meat. They spend whole short lifetime in tiny crates. Sometimes, due to their insufficient diet and lack of exercise they lose the use of their legs. They have to be dragged to slaughter.


Their eyes have glazed over. They didn’t really want to know.

But, they asked.

Cheese sucks.

Milk sucks.

Veal sucks.


I am the Angry Vegan.

Please see the attached article for a better explanation.


My Faves - 2018

My Faves - 2018

