

A much to early 2020 prediction

As I sit here early this morning drinking my white witches tea, a blend of steeped mugwort with steamed soy milk and a couple drops of lemon oil, I’m looking at my tarot cards that are spread in a half circle around a crystal grid.  Pondering the 2020 presidential election many questions start to arise.  Will President Trump get a second term?  Who will step up and challenge him?  Who are the newcomers that will make a name for themselves and what old timers will step in?  Who’ll speak truth to us?  Who will connect with the many disenfranchised voters?  Who will stand up to Washington D.C. and who will bring the people’s interest to the White House? Will it be Donald Trump for a second term?  I know at this time the polls don’t look good him.  However, the polls never looked good for him in 2016 yet he was last one standing.  

So far it’s been all democrats announcing their candidacy.  It’s a diverse field forming for the democrats.  Not only is it diverse with race and gender it’s also diverse with political thought and experience.  Not surprising no republicans have yet to enter the race.  It’s unusual the incumbent party faces a primary challenger.  Though I know this presidency has been a little different than recent presidencies leaving some speculating if someone like John Kasich will challenge President Trump. I don’t see that happening unless the President finds himself in a bit of legal problems with the special counsel and/or congress.  Though morally people may be conflicted with many of Donald Trump’s words, he has been a great ally to the conservative movement.  He has backed the conservative agenda better than any other conservative president in my lifetime.  He’s nominated two extremely conservative pro-life supreme court justices.  All of his lower court picks has followed the same values as his supreme court nominations.  The President has deregulated business, banking and energy at a momentous rate and his climate policy has placed greater value on money than the health of our planet.

At this point it’s way too early for any predictions on who will be the next president of the united states. We’ll want to know if there will be any surprises like Howard Schultz jumping in the race as an independent.  We’ll want to hear from the special counsel with regards to the president and we’ll want to solidify the list of candidates.  It’s expected when it’s all said and done with that there will be 20 to 25 candidates that throw their name into this election.  With little being known about these candidates at this point any list of favorites is built only on the merit of name recognition.  With that being said here’s our way to early list of the top ten contenders.  1) Donald Trump 2) Bernie Sanders 3) Kamala Harris 4) Elizabeth Warren 5) Amy Klobuchar 6) Kirsten Gillibrand 7) Cory Booker 8) Julián Castro 9) Tulsi Gabbard 10) Pete Buttigieg. 

Okay, with all of the being said.  I do have a much to early 2020 election prediction.  I see Pete Buttigieg winning over the liberal and centrist millennials putting him in a great position to win democratic nomination to face off against Donald Trump in 2020.  “Pete who?” you say.  Yes, Pete Buttigieg or as they call him in South Bend Indiana “Mayor Pete”.  Get to know him early because by the end of the election he’ll be a house hold name and may be sworn in as president of the United States January 20th 2021.

Mayor Pete is a Harvard grad and a Rhodes Scholar.  He became mayor of South Bend Indiana at the young age of 29.  Making him the youngest mayor in America at the time.  He took a leave of absence while mayor to serve a tour of duty as an intelligence officer in Afghanistan.  While running for re-election for mayor he came out as gay and lives happily with his husband.  He won his re-election with over 80% of the vote.  Mayor Pete says it’s time we model our national government after some of the successfully run towns in America.

Mayor Pete believes in climate change.  He talks often that by the time he’s President Trumps current age this planet will be suffering gravely if we don’t change our existence with our planet.  Mayor Pete also believes in single payer health care.  When asked what that would look like to him he responded “The flavor I prefer is a medicare for those who want it.  In other words take a version of medicare or something like it, make it available as on option on the public exchange.  If people like me are right, overtime this will become the most efficient and preferred means of healthcare, then this will be a very easy glide path to a single payer environment.”  

I’ve often thought whoever is going to challenge Donald Trump needs to be intelligent, needs to be charismatic, needs to stick to his or hers beliefs and must be able to stand up to a bully without being a bully.  When asked about Donald Trump being a bully Mayor Pete said “I’m a gay man from Indiana, I know how to deal with a bully.”  As I come to some closing thoughts about Mayor Pete, I glance over at the tarot cards spread out.  Is there a card that speaks of Mayor Pete?  Let’s find out…I pulled the Queen of Pentacles.  As seen in Tarot 101 written by Sterling Moon…Could indicate a Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn woman or someone with mature feminine energy who is an “earth mama” that creates a warm and secure environment.  This Queen is business minded, exceedingly practical, generally prosperous, and has a calm, balanced approach to life.  As a motivation, finding practical solutions, particularly in relations to wealth, stability and business.

Our next great president will...