

Our next great president will...

It’s true, every minority party in this country becomes the deficit hawks.  If it wasn’t so sad it’d be comical listening to the democrats calling foul on President Trump’s deficit.  And for Speaker Ryan, he who made his name being a deficit hawk, will forever go down in history as the “speaker of the trillion dollar deficit”.  Both parties can’t help themselves.  They add social programs for the poor and cut taxes for the wealthy all with grand promises that these programs and tax cuts will pay for themselves.  

Our next great president will balance our budget and will do so on bipartisan terms.  It won’t matter if this president is republican, democrat, tea party or an independent.  It won’t matter if this president is male or female and it won’t matter what race this president is.  What will matter is that this president has the skills to listen to everyone, on all sides, make tough decisions and communicate these decisions to all.  Many will say “this will never happen, you will never have a bipartisan collaborative effort to balance this budget”.  I don’t blame anyone who has these thoughts.  It’s been years since we’ve seen such an effort, but greatness will achieve the impossible and this country is in need of greatness.  

When our nation was called to abolish slavery in the 1860’s it was President Lincoln who was called upon to lead our nation.  Americans once again were called to duty in the 1940’s to defeat the Nazis under Franklin Roosevelt’s leadership.  Now the time has come that we’re being called to duty to save America from it’s consuming self destructive spending.  Keep in mind, it was a financial bankruptcy that collapsed the mighty Roman Empire.  Some believe President Reagan’s famous speech at the Berlin Wall when he demanded “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” was the end of the USSR and the cold war, but the truth is the USSR went broke and to this day Russia has struggled to stabilize it’s economy.

Many politicians have claimed to be fiscal conservatives.  But very few of these politicians are willing to sacrifice on their budget needs.  In their eyes it’s always the responsibility of their opponents to sacrifice.  One will blame the democrats because they are spending big money on social programs like medicare and social security.  Others will say it’s the republicans to blame because all they do is spend big money on the military and cut the corporate tax rate.  I never hear a republican say I’m willing to reduce 10% of the military  budget if you’ll reduce 10% of social security.  I never hear a democrat say “If we want health care we’re going to have to ask the American voters to raise taxes.”  The last time we had a fiscally conservative budget in this country was when President Clinton and Newt Gingrich worked together.  President Clinton left office with a $63 billion surplus over his 8 years in office.  President Clinton has been the only president since Lyndon Johnson in 1969 to have a surplus budget.  

The irony of the term “fiscal conservatism” is that Bill Clinton, a liberal democrat, is the only President of my lifetime that we can say was a fiscally conservative president.  When most people think of the term “fiscal conservative” they think President Reagan.  That’s laughable!  President Reagan increased the national deficit 142%.  This was the biggest increase to our national deficit since Franklin Roosevelt’s terms in the midst of World War II.  George W. Bush, another “fiscal conservative”, took a $128 billion budget surplus and turned it into a $158 billion deficit in one year.  By the end of his 8 year presidency George W increased the national deficit 36%.  Followed up by another 57% increase by the liberal President Obama.  To President Obama’s credit he never claimed to be a fiscal conservative.

The time is now America, it’s our time to find our next great leader.  With China’s ever growing presence around the world and America’s “America First” withdrawal of it’s presence around the world we should note a few facts.  America’s $1.17 trillion dollar debt owed to China is 20% of all debt owed to foreign countries around the world.  This isn’t 20% of America’s debt owed to foreign countries, this is 20% of all the debt put together that is owed to foreign countries.  Perhaps we need a special counsel to investigate how this debt to China is compromising America’s security.  This is why the time is now, this isn’t a Republican issue, this isn’t Democratic issue, this is an American issue.  We must all be willing to be involved in this conversation.  We must all be willing to act and we must all be willing to stand together as Americans.  We must support our next great President and must allow this President to be President for all Americans. 

A much to early 2020 prediction

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